This study is aimed at the development of multifunctional display software in aircraft by using the VAPS and the relevant tools. 利用虚拟原型应用系统(VAPS)及其相关配套工具提供的先进功能,实现多功能显示设备软件的开发。
Design and Realization for the Display Software of High Resolution Imaging Sonar 高分辨率成像声纳显控软件的设计与实现
Design and Implementation of Fishfinder Sonar Display Software 鱼探仪声纳显示软件的设计与实现
Application of Coordinate Conversion in Radar Real Time Display Software 坐标转换在雷达实时显示软件中的应用
The function of Sonar display software developed in this thesis is to present the result of signal and information processed by the subsystem on the screen exactly, and to supply the information about the observing field to the operator. 本文设计的声纳显示软件,其主要功能是将前端信号处理的结果,正确地显示在屏幕上,为操作人员提供观测场的信息。
Design of Commonly Used Chinese Display Software Module for Intelligent Instruments 智能仪表通用中文显示软件模块的设计
An Investigation in the Design Tool for Tabular Display Software 表页显示软件设计工具研究
The composition of liquid crystal display module and the designing method of display software and described. 介绍了液晶显示模块的组成原理及显示软件的设计方法。
This paper presents a general purpose application frame with its implementation for development of signal display software using Object Oriented Design based on Deterministic Finite Automation modeling. 本文在对信号状态建立DFA(确定有限自动机)模型的基础上,给出了一个基于OOD的开发信号图形显示的标准应用框架及其实现方法。
The hardware of raster scan radar display systems is presented briefly. The structuralization, modularity and real-time processing of high performance radar display software developed based on the hardware are analyzed in detail. 简要介绍了光栅扫描雷达显示系统的硬件环境,详细分析了在该硬件环境支持下开发出的高性能雷达显示软件的层次化、模块化、实时性处理。
The Application of LED Display Software in Flight Information Display System 航显系统中LED显示软件应用
The structure of system including net communication software, database, and integrated modular modeling system and web page display software are introduced. 介绍了系统的结构,包括网络通讯、数据库、一体化过程模型开发平台IMMS、网页显示软件等四部分。
Design and development for the data collection and display software is based on a multitasking operating system Windows, and Visual C++ the integrated developing environment. 软件采用多任务操作系统&Windows为基本操作系统,以Visualc++为集成开发环境,在此基础上设计和开发虚拟仪表程序。
Application of Display Software of Simulated RBS and Experimental Spectra 背散射模拟谱与实验谱的显示软件的应用
Another important achievement of thesis work is a NURBS curve ans surface display software based on Microsoft Windows. 论文工作的另一个重要成果是进行了NURBS曲线曲面三维显示系统的研究,并开发了一个基于微机Microsoftwindows系统的NURBS曲面反求三维显示软件。
3D Autostereoscopic Display Software Design and Research 3D自由立体显示软件研究与实现
D/ V Real-Time Display Software D/V实时显示软件
Using VB and Surfer software, an animation display software of geoscientific 3-D surface graphs is designed and realized. 综合利用VB和Surfer软件,开发了地学三维曲面动态显示与交互控制软件。
Graphic Display Software for Substation Supervisory Control System 变电站监控系统图形显示软件
The motion display software is programmed by using the visual basic language based on autoCAD. 〔 采用VISUALBASIC语言基于AutoCAD二次开发编制了运动仿真软件。
Through loading with the different display software, raster scan display can satisfy much complicated display demand. 通过加载不同的显示软件,光栅扫描显示器可以满足许多复杂的显示需求。
We use easy-to-understand language design PC monitoring software which includes real-time display software, database management software and casting thermal analysis data processing software. 用简单易懂的易语言设计了上位机监控软件,包括实时显示、数据库管理及铸造热分析的数据处理功能。
The quick-look system is composed with a hardware processor and display terminal. Display terminal is constructed of graphics workstation which is based on Wintel structure and Windows operating system is installed. Remote sensing imagery and display software runs on it. 快视系统的硬件设备由快视处理器和显示终端组成,显示终端是基于Wintel构建的图形工作站,运行Windows操作系统,遥感图像接收和显示软件运行在显示终端。
The thesis illuminates the multi-document interface, multithreading technique, message loop overloaded technology in the display, using differential evolution algorithm to achieve azimuth calculation. Last experimental data and simulation verifies the availability and accuracy of the display software. 论述了多文档界面、多线程技术、消息循环重载技术在显示中的作用,利用差分进化算法完成目标方位解算,最后通过实验数据和仿真测试验证了显控软件的可用性和正确性。
This dissertation has a detailed study on the theory and algorithm of seafloor geomorphic information obtaining, which is validated by experimental data. Ultimately, based on VC and OpenGL, a primary seafloor topography and geomorphology display software for multi-beam bathymetric system is developed. 本论文主要围绕海底地貌信息的获取理论和算法开展研究,并利用试验数据进行验证,最终基于VC和OpenGL初步开发了多波束海底地形地貌图像联合显示软件。
By using Delphi 7, I design the wave display software. 上位机软件设计中,使用Delphi7进行波形显示程序的设计。
Based on above mentioned works, graphical modeling software and data display software are designed and detailed described. 在此基础上,分别对图形化建模子系统和数据显示子系统进行了详细描述与设计。
On this basis, the MCU and CPLD control procedures and the LCD display software were programmed. Finally, different control modules were tested separately, the control system and the main circuit were integrated debugged, the experimental results and analysis were given out. 在此基础上编制了单片机和CPLD控制程序以及LCD显示软件。最后对不同的控制模块分别进行单独的测试和对整个控制系统以及电源主回路进行了综合调试,并给出了实验结果和分析。
Otherwise the video real-time display software of monitoring center is designed using the Directshow technology on VC++ environment, which realized the functions of receiving, decoding and displaying for the remote video monitoring data. 文中不但实现了嵌入式远程视频监控的基本功能,而且在VC++环境下,采用Direcshow技术设计了监控中心视频实时显示软件,实现了对远程视频监控数据实时接收,解压,显示功能。
Dynamic display software for cable temperature is written using VC++ 6.0, so the temperature distribution of the cable length can be real-time displayed. 利用VC++开发环境编写电缆温度场动态显示软件,对电缆长度上的温度分布状况进行实时显示。